Methodologies for Tourists Nantes (MFTFR) 02014

This set of performances and exhibition are concerned with ideas surrounding language and communication. A Loss of Letters / Delineations of Fugitive Memories is a series of actions done within the city of Nantes (France). These performances engage notions surrounding loss of language and the fragments of letters that become linguistic archaeology when face with assimilation. The letters are lost within the cracks of cobble stones, the foundation of cultures. In the performance Letters for Words That Have Come to Pass and Cannot be Translated, the performer engages the spectators into a space that questions memory and heritage. He whispers into the map of the city, words that conjure time, presence and history. As the performer spills pasta letters into the cracks of 18th century cobble stones within a gallery space, he consumes the fragments of the words that have been lost by his ancestors. A survey marker is nailed to the wall to indicate presence and ownership of the space, repurposing it as conquerors do.
This is an animated GPS track of a 2 month timeframe of walks done during a residency at Galerie Paradise, Nantes, France for the project Methodologies for Tourists Nantes in October, November, and December 02014.
L'artiste aimerait remercier artsnb, le Conseil des art du Canada, le Centre culturel Aberdeen, Consulat général de France dans les Provinces atlantiques et la Galerie Paradise pour leurs appui.
The artist would like to acknowledge the support of artsnb, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Aberdeen Cultural Centre, Consulat général de France dans les Provinces atlantiques, and Galerie Paradise for this series of works.